Chef courses
We offer inspiring chef courses. Get inspiration and new skills from the nordic kitchen with ZBC
Modern Nordic kitchen and European fine dining cooking
Get new skills in the fantastic Nordic and European cuisine.
As student, you will be working in the kitchen with raw materials and with different methods to preapare the food and of course taste all the finished products.
Read more about our course in Modern Nordic kitchen and European fine dining cooking here.
Previously offered courses
We have previously offered the courses below.
You are always welcome to contact us with questions about these courses. Find our contact information in the bottom of this page.
At the international skills course Gourmet Appetizers in Denmark, you will meet our highly educated teachers who will introduce you to innovative gastronomy.
Learn how to make delicious and extraordinary appetizers and small dishes before dinner.
Seafood Nordic is an international skills course at ZBC that enables you to advise and impress yours guests so that they experience a gastronomic enjoyment from the Nordic maritime pantry.
The course is also for you who want to get acquainted with new and old Nordic raw materials, be updated from sea to table in Nordic cuisine, use, collection, storage and cultivation.
The course is for you who wants to be a trendsetter and first mover and thus a source of inspiration for the entire industry. Wants to collaborate in a professional network, where you can be inspired with colleagues at your level. Is the owner or employee of a restaurant, a course center, hotel, conference center, café, inn, catering business, shop or other type of production.
As student, you will be very much in the kitchen, working with raw materials, working with different
ways to reduce the amount of food waste and of course taste all the finished products.
Sensory palate enables you to work professionally with our senses to achieve a high sensory quality in all
components of the meal.
The course is for you who make demands on sensory quality above the usual, where you yourself are
challenged, and where you get to work with creative, nutritious and tasty meal experiences.
At the international skills course in Denmark, you will meet some very high educated teachers with a lot of
experience in teaching within snacking.
As student, you will be very much in the kitchen, working with raw materials, working with different
ways to make the food and of course taste all the finished products.
Contact us
International Project Coordinator:
Nina Hansen
+45 2888 5149